Meet the Gemstones


Abundance - Protection - Tranquility
Dendritic Opal is the stone of plenitude - it brings fullness and abundance to all areas of life. Dendrites are believed to promote peaceful environments and to encourage enjoyment of each moment. They also deepen your connection to the earth and provide stability in times of strife or confusion. Their energy strengthens perseverance and the ability to see difficulties as a challenge. Black and white mottled stone.
2. CoralFriendship - Peace - Wisdom - Balance
Coral represents diplomacy and empathy. It is believed to promote inner peace and quiet emotions. Coral enhances intuition, imagination and facilitates the transfer of knowledge. It's also a natural defense against negative energy. Please note, while I occasionally use ancient coral beads, the majority of my coral beads are sustainable and farmed branch coral. White, pink, orange or red marine fossil.
3. SodaliteEmotional Balance - Intuition - Clarity - Truth
Sodalite brings order to and calms the mind. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition. Sodalite promotes emotional balance and also alleviates anxiety. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Grey to soft blue mottled stone.
4. Serpentine (Lemon Jade)Longevity - Balance - Connection to Past Lives
Serpentine (also known as Lemon or New Jade) is extremely cleansing and detoxifying for the body and blood. It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration, the retrieval of wisdom and past life memories. Serpentine assists with mental and emotional balance and feeling more control in your life. Yellow, gold to olive green stone.
5. AmazoniteTruth - Trust - Health - Love
Clearly amazonite is the stone of goodness - it is a soothing stone. Believed to help maintain good health, Amazonite soothes emotional trauma, dispels negative energy and fear. It also helps you see different points of view and manifest universal love. Dark, mint green or white stone.
6. RiverstoneChange - Courage - Acceptance - Growth
This is a stone of change and acceptance - especially as it relates to new situations and life-shifts. Riverstone is thought to energize and motivate when feeling stagnant or stuck in a rut. It is a grounding stone believed to promote inner peace and acceptance. Off white or cream colored stone.
7. Carnelian AgateEnergy - Confidence - Creativity
Carnelian is a stabilizing stone. It is believed to restore vitality and stimulate creativity. It enhances intuition and sharpens concentration. Ironically, this fiery stone also protects against envy, rage and resentment. It calms anger, boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality. Orange, white, red or maroon stone.
8. TurquoisePurification - Strength - Balance - Friendship
Turquoise is a purification stone. It is believed to dispel negative energy protect against outside influences or pollutants. Turquoise balances, aligns and stabilizes mood swings and promotes inner calm. It alleviates depression, exhaustion and anxiety. Turquoise is a symbol of friendship, and is said to stimulate romantic love. Bright green blue or light blue stone with veining.
9. Lapis LazuliTransformation - Wisdom - Truth - Confidence
Lapis Lazuli releases stress and promotes inner peace. A stone of harmony and self-knowledge, lapis encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth. It enhances honesty, compassion and morality while stimulating objectivity, clarity creativity. Lapis lazuli compels one to speak truth and inspires confidence. Bright solid indigo blue stone.